Keynote Speaking

Inspiration creates Motivation
leading to Transformation


What do you do when you experience unwanted change?

The answer defines you, your organization, and its culture. Every day, we hear that resilience is about getting back up after being knocked down. But all those uplifting messages are missing one essential piece — the how of it all.

Julia Nicholson goes beyond teaching the importance of resilience to identifying the framework that builds resilience. From her 5-Facet Diamond Framework to the 3 keys to building resilience, Julia shares real-life, inspiring experiences with a proven process that will leave audiences both motivated and empowered to process any unexpected future or past unwanted change or loss, no matter how long ago it happened.



Topic #1: The Power Paradox


Change. Challenges. Obstacles. Setbacks. Failures. No matter who you are, what you do, or what stage of life you’re in, you can’t avoid them. These come at you from every angle and never at a good time.

How you respond to a never-ending stream of challenges is the key determinant to the level of success you can achieve, personally and professionally, as well as the quality of your relationships and the direction of your life.

In this talk, Julia Nicholson shares her unique experiences and challenges you to view adversity in a radically different way. Your audience will discover how to integrate the unpredictable things that happen into their life and use them to their advantage.

Your audience will leave:

  • Energized with a new definition of success (spoiler alert: it’s not winning)

  • Equipped with practical tools and how to apply them

  • Empowered with a new, straightforward life-changing framework for dealing with unwanted change and loss

The best part? Your audience can start using everything Julia shares immediately — no matter what challenge, obstacle, or change anyone in your audience has experienced and no matter how long ago.

Topic #2: Make the Improbable Possible

After a head-on collision in 1980 nearly took her life, Julia Nicholson’s injuries were healing, but she was still dealing with the deep-seated mental and emotional effects of her injuries when she got married almost 2 years later.  Not to be the happily-ever-after she hoped for, she found herself a single mother of two toddlers after divorcing her abusive spouse. Her journey from this low point to her transformative life and successful corporate career proves that just because something’s improbable doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

In this transformative talk, Julia inspires courage, tenacity, and the willingness to take action in the face of the odds being against you.

 Your audience will learn:

  • Traps that make us think the improbable is impossible, and how to avoid them

  • Three keys to building confidence, courage, and resilience

  • How to set the bar for success

  • How we respond to what seems to be insurmountable determines our quality of life


"Julia has been a speaker for us for over 15 years, consistently being rated as ‘excellent’ by our audiences. She displays phenomenal energy and is both dynamic and passionate about her subject. Attendees find her both articulate and engaging which is especially important because of the training and lessons she shares in her presentations."

- Cathy K. Zacher, CEBS Director, Educational Programs-U.S. International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans



Decades of Leadership

With the leadership and business experience to back up her message, Julia brings a lifetime of personal and professional excellence that lend weight, credibility, and authority to her transformational message.


Captivating Stories of Adversity

Julia’s powerful message is delivered alongside captivating stories from her own life, stories that will draw in audiences and help illustrate some of her most transformative points.


Nationally Recognized Voice

Julia is a proven voice in the world of consulting and speaking, so you can book her with the assurance that you’re working with an established professional who never fails to deliver.


Unique Personal and Professional Perspective

From her harrowing personal life experiences to endless challenges on her career path, Julia has faced more than most. Her personal experiences coupled with her career successes make her an authoritative voice on resilience, grit, and overcoming adversity.


Engaging and Warm Delivery

Audiences rave about Julia’s ability to draw in crowds with an empathetic perspective and engaging voice, one that welcomes everyone into the fold and doesn’t leave a single audience member outside the circle.


Purpose-Driven Message

Julia truly believes in empowering and uplifting those who have experienced some of the most challenging circumstances life has to offer and that conviction shines through in every word of every keynote.


A Teacher’s Flair

Julia brings her experience as an adjunct professor to the keynote stage, instructing with passion, energy, and a focus on what matters most to audiences as they grapple with their own challenges.


Charitable Focus

Julia donates proceeds from her keynote speaking fees and book sales to charities that mean the most to her, so you can book a winning speaker for your event, and indirectly contribute to supporting charitable organizations that are helping others in your community and around the world.


“Having seen Julia in action before, I had great confidence that she would be a success. Her pre-meeting work to understand what we wanted to accomplish was very helpful in creating an experience that felt unique for our group. She quickly got all of our members engaged and actively participating. Her high energy level and passion came through and the result was a very positive session. Julia exceeded our expectations and I highly recommend her to deliver an energetic and impactful session."

- Doug Anderson, Executive Director, Minnesota Public Employees Retirement System

